HEART wooden pacifier clip
Indispensable, the pacifier clip in purple and pink wood HEART, attaches to the baby's clothes. Composed of a white satin ribbon and wooden beads.
CONFECTION : Môme Sweet Môme

Garanties sécurité (à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")

Politique de livraison (à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
DIMENSIONS : 16 cm (center beads) + 7 cm (link) / clip diameter: 35 mm
CONFECTION : Môme Sweet Môme
MATERIAL : The clip + beads are painted with a non-toxic paint and in compliance with EU standards (DIN EN 71-3) / Ribbon: 100% satin
SAFETY RULES : Never extend a pacifier clip. To avoid any risk of accident, any risk of strangulation: the central tape of the pacifier clip must never exceed 22 cm and 11 cm maximum for the link which forms a loop around the nipple, never fix the pacifier clip to another moving part. The vigilance of an adult always remains the best of the safety rules for our little ones, for you to always check before each use, the infant / child, to detect any defect or other.
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